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Working with hardware

Interaction with hardware

The wildcore system can communicate with the hardware via snmp version 2c, via console(ssh/telnet), as well as via API (for RouterOS).

It is possible to specify ports in hardware access if your network uses non-standard ports

Parameter settings for working with hardware

Polling the hardware

Getting standardized output via switcher-core modules

Any interaction with the system is performed by calling certain switcher-core modules.

Each vendor and model has its own set of modules.

The list of modules by supported hardware can be obtained via the command

wca switcher-core:modules DEVICE_IP

Displaying information in the web interface

The system aims to display "live" information from the hardware.

But, considering that an acceptable page loading speed is also required, we made a compromise in the form of response caching.

To view which information was received from the system cache and which from the hardware, expand the "Meta info" (Status-info) block on the hardware page with interfaces or on the ONU page.

The screenshot above shows the name of the module, as well as the source from which the data was received:

  • from cache (DATE): data received from the cache, and DATE indicates when this data was cached.
  • Online: data received from the hardware.

If you need to get "live" data - click the "Reload info" button (refreshing the page may take some time, usually around 15-30 seconds).

It is also worth mentioning that some of the data could be displayed in Prometheus (for example, signal levels) and the "Reload info" button will not update this information.


For more details about which data from which hardware is taken from Prometheus, see the description of the components by the type of hardware you're interested in.

Global settings

Additional settings

Model/Device parameters

Local PON description

Add the following parameter in the Additional parameters tab of a model or a device to disable the saving of PON port description synchronization and be able to set it up locally.

"disable_save_description_on_physical_ifaces": true


Please note that to manually type the parameter in the field you have to change Tree display type to Code in the center of the toolbar of the parameters' tab.