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WildcoreDMS - monitoring, diagnostics and device management system.

Our goal

Provide the installer / operator with a convenient tool for diagnosing the network, equipment and a specific subscriber, thereby:

  • Increase the speed of response to diagnosing and solving problems with the network;
  • Save the engineer from the need to always "sit on the phone" and process requests from employees.

System features

  • Modularity - the ability to connect only the necessary components
  • Work in docker
  • Easy installation and updating - using a special utility, installation and updating is done in a few commands
  • Easy system setup - after installation, you only need to add devices and users
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
  • Logging of user actions, work with equipment, work scheduler
  • Collection of metrics in Prometheus
  • API - integrate wildcoreDMS with billing or other systems

System components

  • analytics - Allow see current status and history of device, interfaces and ONTs
  • autodiscovery - Search and automatically add supported equipment on the network
  • events - Events. Allows you to view and save the history of equipment/interfaces based on the created promQL rules
  • fdb_history - stores FDB history and allows display by interface/ONU
  • notifications - Allows you to send notifications via telegram/email on events and actions
  • pinger - Monitors equipment via ICMP, displays current status in dashboard and device list
  • pon_boxes - Allows you to manage PON boxes
  • prometheus_wrapper - Works with the prometheus API. Allows you to display graphs in the web interface for traffic, signal levels, temperature, errors
  • router_os - Work with routers from Mikrotik
  • olts - a component that implements a standardized API for working with olts
  • switches - a component that implements a standardized API for working with switches
  • olts_control - a component realize simple ONT management(reboot, change description, disable/enable, reset, etc)
  • switches_control - a component realize simple switch port management(disable/enable, description, etc)
  • zte_unregistered_onts - Registration of ONUs on ZTE
  • huawei_onts_registration - ONUec registration on Huawei

Supported Hardware

  • Alcatel (switches)
  • Cisco (switches)
  • Dlink (switches)
  • Edge-Core (switches)
  • Eltex (switches)
  • HP (switches)
  • Dell (switches)
  • UBNT (switches)
  • TP-LINK (switches)
  • Huawei (switches, OLTs)
  • BDcom (OLTs)
  • C-data (OLTs)
  • V-Solution (OLTs)
  • ZTE (OLTs)
  • Mikrotik (routers, switches)


Here you can find the full list of supported hardware by models.

We are not working with Russian Federation and Belarus